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Former Heavy Rain designer now in charge of Rainbow Six Patriots

Ubisoft reportedly restructures development team.

Former Heavy Rain designer Jean-Sebastien Decant is now in charge of Rainbow 6 Patriots, Ubisoft has confirmed.

Decant, who worked on the Quantic Dream PlayStation 3 exclusive as a designer and writer, replaces David Sears.

"David Sears is no longer on the Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Patriots team and the new creative director is Jean-Sebastien Decant," Ubisoft told Game Informer.

Game Informer said Ubisoft Montreal has restructured the Patriots development team, removing Sears, narrative director Richard Rouse III, lead designer Philippe Therien, and animation director Brent George from the project.

What this means for the game, due out next year, remains to be seen. Ubisoft offered this: "The development team is still hard at work to deliver the next instalment of the revered Tom Clancy series and more details on the game will be revealed at a later date."

Decant's past work includes Driver: San Francisco while at Reflections (game director) and Far Cry 3 (narrative director).

His LinkedIn profile shows he became a creative director at Ubisoft Montreal only this month.

Sears' profile still lists him as creative director of Patriots. Richard Rouse III, who co-designed and wrote the controversial "Bridge" target game footage for Patriots, is down as a narrative director at Ubisoft. Therien is still listed as Patriots lead designer. George isn't attached to a company at this time.

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