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Footage reportedly of unreleased Sucker Punch stealth title Prophecy leaks online

As does a bunch of character art.

If you were curious to know what developer Sucker Punch was up to between the release of Infamous: Second Son and the recent Ghost of Tsushima, then a newly discovered video - reportedly featuring footage from a cancelled stealth-action effort known as Prophecy - might just have the answer you were looking for.

The newly surfaced footage features a slick-looking 11-minutes of third-person gameplay in which our hero, Abel Tvorah, attempts to evade the local city guard through a squalid and wonderfully moody port-side locale, utilising a combination of stealth and blade-based melee combat along the way. There's a touch of alchemical magic, and a couple of cinematic sequences, and the whole thing has an air of Assassin's Creed by way of Dishonored.

The mysterious 11-minute sequence is topped by a Sucker Punch logo and a tailed by a title card revealing the work-in-progress (and presumably now-canned) game to be called Prophecy, with its leaked file name suggesting it was a vertical slice created by the studio some time in 2015 - around a year after Second Son's release.

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Users on Resetera have suggested the video, which was accompanied by a selection of related character renders, originated on the personal website of Sucker Punch lead character artist Max Chapman. Unsurprisingly, the source has now been pulled (although mirrors remain), and given that neither Sony or Sucker Punch has yet commented on the video's contents, it currently remains a fascinating, and unverified, curiosity whose story is yet to be told.

Whatever Prophecy might have been, and whatever became of it, Sucker Punch's eventual focus on Ghost of Tsushima was clearly the right move. The gorgeous open-world samurai title saw strong launch weekend sales on PS4, shifting more physical copies than PlayStation's Days Gone managed last year.

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