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Ex-Inside Xbox members launch new project Thank You For Playing

Game on.

Team members from Microsoft's defunct Inside Xbox video channel have launched Thank You For Playing, an interactive web series presented on a novel new site.

The project is fronted by Dan 'MrPointyHead' Maher, and is the product of new company Explosive Alan Productions' successful Indiegogo campaign to fund a new series.

Maher and co. hoped to raise $10,000 last summer to fund the new project. They ended up with nearly $35,000 in the bank.

Thank You For Playing's site is split into five hub areas, the first of which is now available to explore. Within this are five major video features, each tackling a different gaming topic - pesky escort mechanics, for example, or the current trend of crowdfunding.

Watching each video will also unlock ancillary material - short extra clips and other bits and bobs - and you can save your progress through the site by logging in.

You can browse the site below via the miniature embed, although the full-screen Thank You For Playing site is probably best.

Maher's Inside Xbox colleague and co-presenter Andy Farrant is now a fixture of Outside Xbox, which (in the interests of full disclosure) is as you probably know partnered with Eurogamer's parent company Gamer Network.

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