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Euro PSP Skype still on track

Unaffected by Japanese delays.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The European release of Skype and its associated microphone packs for PSP are said to be unaffected by an announcement of a delay to the Japanese launch.

According to semi-official Sony blog Three Speech the voice packs are still on schedule to arrive here in late January.

Confusion erupted earlier after Sony Japan revealed its microphones did not reach the Skype specifications, prompting a delay while the necessary bits and bobs are stuck on. A fresh release date for the region is yet to be announced.

More than 246 million humans around the world use Skype software to phone each other up over the Internet, saving money and whatnot as they go. The PSP integration will let you chit chat to others on landlines or mobiles, although you will need to be connected to the Internet to do so.

Dogs and cats cannot use telephones, but they can make funny faces.

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