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EA announces another Original: Sea of Solitude

"When humans get too lonely, they turn into monsters."

EA announced another game for its EA Originals label at its E3 show today, and it's working once again with a small indie developer: Berlin's Jo-Mei Games.

Sea of Solitude is due in early 2019 and features a young woman named Kay, paddling a small boat around a waterlogged world.

Kay has been suffering such loneliness that she has become a monster, covered in black feathers. She's on a journey to find out why this happened and how she can become human again.

The world is also patrolled by giant creatures, also covered in black feathers, like the sea serpent seen in the trailer below. "On her search to change, she soon finds out that her biggest enemies are not the huge monsters that she meets on her way through the Sea of Solitude, but something way more dangerous," says the blurb on the game's website.

Watch on YouTube

Introducing the game, a developer from Jo-Mei (wearing a Kraftwerk T-shirt - none more Berlin) said, "Every human being can relate to or remember the feeling of being lonely; it's not a made up story even though it takes place in a fantastic setting... The game is about how you can embrace your destructive power or self-doubt in the same way your embrace joy or hope."

Looks nice! We're seeing the game today, we'll have more soon.

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