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E3 2021: Ubisoft E3 2021

Join us live from 8pm BST.

E3 might not be happening in LA this year, but that shouldn't stop Ubisoft delivering what's become one of the highlights of the season - 60 minutes of camp charm and maybe even some game reveals too.

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*taps mic*

Martin Robinson

*clears throat*

Martin Robinson

Hello, good evening and welcome to Ubisoft's 2021 E3 show!

Martin Robinson

Now excuse me while I set up my screens (and figure out how to get the iPlayer up and running out here so I can sneakily have the Belgium v Russia game on as well).

Martin Robinson

(and also thank heavens Christian Eriksen is okay after those terrifying scenes earlier).

Martin Robinson

But we're not here for football! We're here for video games!

Martin Robinson

What to expect tonight?

Martin Robinson

Well, it's mostly leaked already, but to keep things spicy I won't post any spoilers here.

Martin Robinson

Though allow me a small 'lol' at the fact that Nintendo itself was one of those who leaked one of the games.

Martin Robinson

I do believe there is still room for a few more surprises, though.

Martin Robinson

And I'm not saying that just to keep you here for the next hour!

Martin Robinson

Though the company would be nice as I slowly slip into madness and the kind of low-key drunk that happens while sipping this beer I just poured after a day spent out in the sun.

Martin Robinson

If past years are anything to go by it'll be the opener - and I really hope it is as it's always upbeat and nutty.

Martin Robinson

That's the weird thing about Ubisoft's E3 conferences - I'm not a big player of their games at all, and yet I'm a massive fan of their conferences.

Martin Robinson

They typically do a wonderful job of capturing so much of what's brilliant about video games.

Martin Robinson

I hope I'm not giving this the commentator's curse and what follows is an hour of neckstabbing and moody swears.

Martin Robinson

Absolutely not - that was when Ubi's conferences peaked!

Martin Robinson

Though you could also argue that was the Mr. Caffeine year.

Martin Robinson

I was there for the birth of my daughter, I've got to see my team lift the FA Cup, stand under the podium as the motorsport outfit I love the most take Le Mans after years of trying, and yet when I'm on my deathbed I will lean forward and proudly proclaim 'I was there for that Mr. Caffeine year at E3'.

Martin Robinson

God it was brilliant.

Martin Robinson

The kind of thing that's not really possible away from a live E3.

Martin Robinson

I should probably start watching the stream tbh.

Martin Robinson

Just over an hour, I believe.

Martin Robinson

And here we go!

Martin Robinson

We have presenters!

Martin Robinson

And they're a smartly turned-out, professional pair. I fear they are too good to start making jokes about 'poop on your toothpaste'.

Martin Robinson

All these years later I still have no idea what he was on about.

Martin Robinson

But I digress!

Martin Robinson

Here we have freshly retitled Rainbow Six: Extraction.

Martin Robinson

You can't say that anymore!

Martin Robinson

I do understand the reasoning though. Given all that's happened the past year it'd be about as popular a title as Rainbow Six: Poking a Swab in Your Gob Until You Really Start to Gag.

Martin Robinson

I have to say though.

Martin Robinson

Having gotten excited about a Just Dance opener.

Martin Robinson

A CG trailer for a zombie shooter is possibly the most disappointing thing possible.

Martin Robinson

Thanks Ubi!

Martin Robinson

Well that was a complete waste of everyone's time.

Martin Robinson

Kami: ... I... I did say I wanted a new Zombi... but not like this. Not like this...

This is all your fault.

Martin Robinson

Given how tight the mechanics are in R6: Siege I've still got plenty of hope for this.

Martin Robinson

I am not so much of a fan of this painfully scripted, overly long presentation.

Martin Robinson

Perhaps? It's weirdly po-faced and drawn out.

Martin Robinson

I presume this is because this is Ubi's big best this year and they are going all in on it.

Martin Robinson

Which is fair enough.

Martin Robinson

The end result is after ten minutes of pre-amble we are finally getting to see the game in action.

Martin Robinson

Like Siege, the probe plays a big part - it's all about planning and execution, like a real-time XCOM.

Martin Robinson

I'm hoping 60fps is a given on current gen!

Martin Robinson

We have just been asking ourselves that...

Martin Robinson

I think you might be on to something there!

Martin Robinson

Is Belgium Russia any good?

Martin Robinson

Well, I really did condemn us all with my hype earlier didn't I?

Martin Robinson

Even I couldn't have imagined something as dreary as this.

Martin Robinson

That's one brilliant thing they have done.

Martin Robinson

Those comment sections are cesspools.

Martin Robinson

Unlike our lovely comments here, of course.

Martin Robinson

(Honestly, thank you so much for joining me here tonight - it's always lovely to watch these alongside all of you).

Martin Robinson

Well that's a decent looking video game but I don't think it quite necessitated that.

Martin Robinson

Here's that new Rocksmith that leaked earlier by Gibson!

Martin Robinson

Like a lot of others, I'm sure, my midlife crisis has been accelerated by the pandemic and I spent a lot of the last year fiddling around with guitars.

Martin Robinson

So I'd be quite keen to have a crack at a new generation of Rocksmith - it always seemed like a fun and useful thing.

Martin Robinson

blarts: My 31 guitars are willing to accept this challenge


Martin Robinson

Rocksmith +, coming from Ubisoft San Francisco.

Martin Robinson

You can use your phone as a mic now - I presume bypassing the interface of old?

Martin Robinson

Indeed that is the case.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I have a vintage Ukelele and an old 90's keyboard. One of the massive ones. I like playing it every so often.

That's all you need for a killer band tbh.

Martin Robinson

The Rocksmith+ beta is on its way. And that looks like fun!

Martin Robinson

Now its on to Steep follow-up Riders Republic.

Martin Robinson

I hope it's alright to say that we'll have a bit more on this later on tonight on the site - it looks incredible and I'm really hoping it catches on in the way that Steep sadly never could.

Martin Robinson

Don't they just! I feel bad for being miserable about them sometimes when the truth is they're often bloody astounding these days.

Martin Robinson

I don't believe that was ever properly cancelled. Maybe it's waiting for Switch Pro!

Martin Robinson

Or maybe not...

Martin Robinson

blarts: For Martin, Gibson ES335 and Les Paul, Fender Strat, Telecaster, Coronado and Hellcat,,3 Grestch, a 2008 Signature Porl Thompson (The Cure) Schecter Corsair, 6 epiphones, 5 Squier, Vintage 12 String, Hagstrom Viking, a Jackson, and a few more dotted about

This makes me feel better about my collection. Also a Coronado is my dream guitar atm. That's an amazing haul!

Martin Robinson

Anyway back to Riders Republic - there's a lot to love here, with a bustling Ubi open world pieced together by some off-the-wall takes on extreme sports.

Martin Robinson

AquinasBatman: Thank you, x201. As bearer of bad news, however, I'm holding you responsible

Thanks for being the one to tell them... I didn't have the heart.

Martin Robinson

I totally forgot it's coming out in 2021 - September 2nd, to be precise.

Martin Robinson

So there will be some fun games to play this year!

Martin Robinson

A quick update on Siege, and time for me to feel guilty again for not checking in on Siege for a while.

Martin Robinson

It's very bloody tense isn't it?

Martin Robinson

Crossplay is coming to cloud platforms this year, and to consoles next year - which is of course welcome news.

Martin Robinson

That's your progression shared across all plaftforms too. It really is time for me to start playing this again isn't it?

Martin Robinson

Well, it's not a gameplay trailer exactly - I will excuse a stylish cartoon trailer like the one we're getting now for Rainbow Six Siege and....

Martin Robinson

I was going to say a new operator but I won't pretend I know that for sure.

Martin Robinson

The pacing is not great, for sure.

Martin Robinson

Well there you have it a new operator.

Martin Robinson

Is that a compliment?

Martin Robinson

It sounds to me like a pretty awesome compliment.

Martin Robinson

Oh no it's another game I really like and have lost track of - Trackmania, funnily enough, which has some nice look ing new DLC.

Martin Robinson

As does The Crew 2 (like that one) Brawlhalla (never played it - sorry) Watch Dogs: Legion (accents lol) and For Honor.

Martin Robinson

Live service games everyone!

Martin Robinson

I feel ashamed for not playing more of them.

Martin Robinson

AquinasBatman: checked stream at odd time. Footage of Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles followed immediately by a logo for 'Crew 2'

Would play that crossover.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's what we actually genuinely I'm not even being sarcastic here all came for!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This has honestly woken me right up.

Martin Robinson

Ru Paul choreographer Todrick Hall is stepping up for this new Just Dance.

Martin Robinson

Please give Just Dance as much time if not more than you gave Rainbow Six Ubisoft.

Martin Robinson

Forge002: Yeah at this stage i much pefer listening to Lee Dixon

I would also take Lee Dixon appearing in Ru Paul Drag Race.

Martin Robinson

Forge002: Yeah at this stage i much pefer listening to Lee Dixon

I would also take Lee Dixon appearing in Ru Paul Drag Race.

Martin Robinson

That's Just Dance 2022, anyway.

Martin Robinson

Malek86: No Wii version this time, goodnight champ


Martin Robinson

Tekken and Gran Turismo used to be our go-tos with our old dance mat.

Martin Robinson

Valhalla now!

Martin Robinson

A game that everyone here loves, but one that I know I'll never have the time to play.

Martin Robinson

Aye - you have one arse cheek steering left, one steering right, then you use your feet to accelerate or brake.

Martin Robinson

It's called Groin Turismo.

Martin Robinson

AquinasBatman: Mr Robinson seek medical help

I'm ringing them right now!

Martin Robinson

Anyway back to Valhalla!

Martin Robinson

There's a new Discovery Tour coming this autumn - which always sounds so very appealing to me, as it's a chance to explore the world without the game getting in the way.

Martin Robinson

Valhalla is also getting a second year of DLC.

Martin Robinson

A pivot to television - Mythic Quest, which I passed on after a handful of episodes but which I'm reliably informed gets a lot, lot better and actually becomes quite brilliant.

Martin Robinson

Ah so now I'm feeling bad about not watching TV series as well as not playing video games.

Martin Robinson

I'm a huge fan of Sam Richardson so will probably watch this bizarre werewolf sitcom.

Martin Robinson

But yes, that does feel odd sitting here in this E3 conference. Convergence, ey?

Martin Robinson

(Is the Belgium Russia game still any good?)

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: I just watched 'Nodlbody' and it's basically John Air Wick. John Wick meets the A Team. It's pretty pretty good.

Getting on this as soon as possible!

Martin Robinson

My attention perhaps drifted.

Martin Robinson

But I had no idea what this was for the last few minutes.

Martin Robinson

Why is everyone so serious?

Martin Robinson

That's all our dear Ian Higton wants as well.

Martin Robinson

I'm not sure who plays these games for this kind of drama.

Martin Robinson

Maybe it makes sense in context!

Martin Robinson

slowdog1976: that would be me martin

Hello! I think I'm just an impatient idiot!

Martin Robinson

This twisted take on Far Cry does look brilliantly unhinged, mind.

Martin Robinson

And a tease of the return of Blood Dragon?

Martin Robinson

Or simply a re-release/remaster!

Martin Robinson

Okay, that did win me over.

Martin Robinson

And now, could you please look surprised as the new Mario + Rabbids game is unveiled.

Martin Robinson

If you weren't aware Nintendo leaked this earlier.

Martin Robinson

Yes, that Nintendo.

Martin Robinson

And they did so by simply publishing the game details - screenshots and all - on its own website.

Martin Robinson

That's the sort of E3 drama I live for.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Well, after the look at the unhinged post-launch plans for Far Cry 6, it makes sense that we segue into the fever dream of this crossover.

Martin Robinson

Sparks of Hope be its name.

Martin Robinson

In keeping with the format of the evening, we're getting a quick interview with the developers after that CGI reveal, before we move into the gameplay itself a bit later.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan: This better not be the closer

I think it may well be!

Martin Robinson

I could be wrong, though.

Martin Robinson

I'm wrong about most things, and have been about pretty much everything tonight.

Martin Robinson

Deadman316: What’s Sparks of Hoorp?

It's a typo that our CMS will no longer let me edit out. *sadface*

Martin Robinson

Oh I thought you were dissing my spelling. As you were!

Martin Robinson

I'm in awe of how crisply pressed his shirt is.

Martin Robinson

You could cut your fingers on that collar.

Martin Robinson

It would be the sweetest revenge.

Martin Robinson

Tell you what, though.

Martin Robinson

This looks bloody good and very technically impressive given it's running on a Switch.

Martin Robinson

It is for Switch, right?

Martin Robinson

Interestingly I didn't see a platform announced for that...

Martin Robinson

Anyway, as you were! Here's a final surprise from Yvvvveessss.

Martin Robinson

Here we go!

Martin Robinson

Oh it's Avatar.

Martin Robinson

A lovely surprise!

Martin Robinson

As is the reminder that more Avatar movies are somehow being made.

Martin Robinson

That will happen when you're the highest grossing film of all-time, of course.

Martin Robinson

Doesn't mean it isn't a piece of vapid shit.

Martin Robinson

What it is certainly, though, is very pretty.

Martin Robinson

And this looks absolutely breathtaking.

Martin Robinson

Avatar was probably better off as a video game anyway - this looks like proof of that.

Martin Robinson

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, coming in 2022.

Martin Robinson

Wasn't it just?

Martin Robinson

An odd one, but a staggeringly beautiful one.

Martin Robinson

And while that was protracted beyond all reason, there was still plenty to find cheer in there.

Martin Robinson

Also that was probably first look at a game running on the new Switch so I'll take that.

Martin Robinson

Devolver is later! I won't be joining live, I'm afraid, as I'm old and need a liedown, but I will be back at 6pm tomorrow for Microsoft. Hope to see some of you back here then - and thanks for joining me tonight!

Martin Robinson

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