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Dragon Age 2 has 103 mins of cutscenes

Eat your heart out Killzone 3.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

BioWare fantasy role-playing game Dragon Age 2 has a whopping 103 minutes of cutscenes.

The impressive figure was revealed by the BBFC, which has given the game its expected 18-rating certificate for "strong bloody violence".

Dragon Age 2's 103 minutes of cutscenes eclipses Killzone 3's 70 minutes worth, revealed by the BBFC earlier this month.

Dragon Age 2 was cleared for release with no cuts made.

Its age rating comes as no surprise. Dragon Age was a particularly gory role-player. After combat blood would remain on armour and clothing – which made for some hilarious cutscenes.

With Dragon Age 2, developer BioWare's love of blood continues. Christian Donlan went hands-on for Eurogamer in November.

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