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Destiny player finds another under construction DLC area

Behold The Dark Below's Mars mission: The Hypogeum.

Yet another Destiny DLC area has been unearthed, this time on Mars.

YouTuber se7evsins has found a way to access the area where The Dark Below DLC's The Hypogeum mission is to take place in The Black Gardens. We can tell it's part of the DLC because it's completely devoid of life or anything to find, and is only accessible by glitching through a strange holographic wall.

Its vacant subterranean caverns aren't as exciting as the Terminus stage found on Venus, which contains three dead Ghost droids, but it's still a pleasant surprise for people who like to explore areas still in development.

The Dark Below DLC is due in December. By then this new region should be teeming with life, mostly of the wanting to kill you variety.

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