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Despite a bumpy ride to release, Resistance dev Insomniac already prototyping new Fuse "experiences"

"I'm well aware that we've taken some heat."

Insomniac is already planning new "experiences" in the world of its sci-fi shooter Fuse, despite the game's somewhat bumpy ride to launch this week.

Studio boss Ted Price has revealed that the studio is sticking with the IP despite the "heat" Insomniac took when it rebranded the game to be grittier last year.

"Of course I'm well aware that we've taken some heat over our switch from Overstrike to Fuse," Price wrote in a post on the official Insomniac blog. "We read the YouTube comments. We watch the forums. And we listen.

"After our re-reveal of the game in summer 2012 we continued to make adjustments to the game, adding more color; making sure the humor came through in emergent dialogue. No, we didn't make aesthetic changes because of a 12 year-old's focus test comments. We did what we thought was right for the Fuse universe."

Prototypes for future Fuse-related ideas are already in development, Price continued.

"We've already begun expanding what we've begun with Fuse. Right now as I write this we're taking the core concepts behind Fuse and prototyping new stuff - stuff that leverages this bizarre alien substance which is at the heart of the game. No, I'm not talking about DLC. I'm talking about new Fuse experiences altogether.

"What's wonderful about creating and owning one's IP is that you can take it any direction you want. And that's what we're going to do. Stay tuned!"

Fuse is Insomniac's first multiplatform release after 15 years of PlayStation exclusivity - an era which saw it birth long-standing Sony franchises Resistance and Ratchet & Clank.

"We would like this universe to extend beyond games, as most developers probably do with their franchises," Price told Eurogamer at E3 2011, when Fuse was first announced as Overstrike.

"It's an Insomniac-owned franchise, and so we have control over how the franchise itself is exploited. The first and most important goal, though, is to deliver an amazing multi-platform game. From there, we hope to go even broader."

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