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DayZ sells 800,000 copies in under a month

Bean a long time coming.

DayZ is rampant; official sales are now up to 800,000 in under a month, revealed Dean Hall, the game's creator, on Reddit.

"We (Bohemia and I) had very ambitious plans for 2014 already, however this amount of sales was completely unexpected. Honestly, 250k within a quarter was what I would have considered a success. So to move nearly 800,000 in under a month is crazy," he wrote.

"We'll be finalising our roadmap in mid January, but it is safe to say that this kind of result will be having a very positive effect on that roadmap."

Plug those numbers into a calculator (£20 x 800,000) and you get £16 million, not taking into account Steam's cut. That's a, err, healthy take.

But remember, DayZ isn't finished and is still in Early Access, alpha-build shape. If you're OK with that, as 800,000 people clearly are, then go ahead. Do read our DayZ alpha review first, though.

Incidentally, Eurogamer video editor Ian Higton is hosting a third live DayZ Let's Play this afternoon. The video is below.

Watch on YouTube

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