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Dark Souls worldwide sales: 1.5 million shipped

Impressive enough for a third game?

More than 1.5 million copies of Dark Souls have been shipped to shops around the world, publisher Namco Bandai has announced.

They haven't, therefore, necessarily been sold.

North America has the largest amount of copies (620,000), followed by Europe (470,000) and then Japan (370,000), Andrisang reported.

In Japan, Dark Souls was only released on PS3. And From Software published the game there.

In the West, Dark Souls was an Xbox 360 and PS3 game, published by Namco Bandai.

Eurogamer declared Dark Souls one of the best games of 2011.

"If role-playing is to put you in the boots of an adventurer in a strange land and let you pick your path through it, then Dark Souls is a great role-playing game," wrote Oli Welsh in his Dark Souls review.

"If action is to test your skill in thrilling situations, then Dark Souls is a great action game. If adventure is to surprise and mystify you and invite you to uncover the secrets of a forgotten world, then Dark Souls is a great adventure game.

"If entertainment is fun without failure and progress without pain, you'll have to find it somewhere else. But you'll be missing out on one of the best games of the year."

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