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Dark Souls 3 mod makes Lothric look like Limbo

50 shades of grey.

Dark Souls 3 modder googl4 has created a mod that makes From Software's latest action-RPG look an awful lot like Limbo with a completely colourless palette.

This shady modifier may not be completely kosher by From's standard, so googl4 recommended on Reddit that players only use this mod offline, lest they risk getting banned.

The other problem with this mod is you can't see the HUD with it, though googl4 is working on fixing that. "I'll be experimenting with making the HUD work but no promises and the deeper it hooks into the game bans will be more likely for using it," the modder said. "That said I am hopeful to have HUD working soon."

Those looking to try it out can download the Dark Souls 3 Limbo mod here. Use F8 to toggle it on and off.

Here's how Dark Souls 3 looks with the mod in effect:

You may recall that the Dark Souls had a similar mod. Here's some gameplay of that:

Note that the Quelaag fight looks rather unfair since you can't make out her lava without any light.Watch on YouTube

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