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Dark Souls 2 beta open to PlayStation Plus subscribers this Sunday morning

Prepare to die. Again.

Missed out on the Dark Souls 2 beta earlier this month? Well you may be in luck, if you're a PlayStation Plus subscriber anyway, as all subscribers will be granted access to a worldwide server test this Sunday morning from 7a.m. - 10a.m.

The Dark Souls 2 beta can actually be downloaded ahead of the server test in the Exclusives section of the PlayStation Plus store. Sony advised on the PlayStation Blog that players download it in advance, so it'll be all queued up and ready to go when the server test goes live Sunday morning. It won't be up for long after all.

EG-contributor Simon Parkin called the Dark Souls 2 beta "endlessly reassuring" when he had a go of it earlier this month. "From Software's approach has always been to focus on the foundations of play, ensuring that the basic effect of pressing a button is meaningful and specific. Then they build flamboyance and embellishment upon that core. For that reason this series has the best combat system of any video game. That is an accolade that, on this demo's evidence, appears yet further unassailable," he concluded.

In the world of Dark Souls other people are sometimes your friends, but just as often they'll stab you in the back.

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