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Cyberpunk 2077 will get multiplayer, CD Projekt Red finally confirms

Due after single-player DLC.

After more than six years of talking about it, CD Projekt Red has finally made it official: Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a multiplayer portion.

As previously discussed with Eurogamer, multiplayer will not arrive at launch - the game you get in April 2020 will be single-player only.

Then, after launch, and after post-launch single-player content, multiplayer will arrive at some point down the line.

CD Projekt Red made the announcement this morning via Twitter, where it also said it was now recruiting for staff to build the multiplayer offering.

Speaking to Eurogamer as late as last month, the official line on Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer was that it was still "in R&D" - and if the ideas CD Projekt Red had for it didn't work, it still might not happen.

This phrase of being in "R&D" was one we'd heard before - back at E3 2018 - although some kind of multiplayer component for Cyberpunk 2077 has been talked of in vague terms for far longer. CD Projekt Red boss Adam Badowski told Eurogamer all the way back in 2013 the studio was planning "multiplayer features" in the game.

What we've never heard, however, is what this multiplayer portion might look like.

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