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Crytek working on new FPS IP – report

Plus, abandoned Redemption shooter outed.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Crysis 2 developer Crytek is hard at work on a brand new FPS franchise, according to a developer CV.

The LinkedIn profile of a gameplay programmer at the studio, spotted by eagle-eyed Tweeter Superannuation, mentions work carried out on a "new IP, shooter genre, TBA title for Xbox360, PS3 and PC".

The same CV also mentions another FPS project – also a new IP – that he worked on for six months before the title was cancelled.

A separate developer CV flagged up by Superannuation, this one from a technical artist, also lists a cancelled Crytek title called Redemption – possibly one and the same.

The only confirmed title the developer currently has in the works is Kinect action title Ryse, although recent speculation pointed to an imminent Timesplitters 4 announcement.

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