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Cities: Skylines patch adds tunnels

And a hole lot more.

City simulator Cities: Skylines now has tunnels.

Something burrowed, something new.

Tunnels for roads and rail arrive with free update 1.1.0 - the game's first large patch.

1.1.0 has a European theme, and so 72 European style buildings are added to the game, as well as the ability to place them wall-to-wall.

It's worth noting the European style buildings are a map theme, so you need to play a map in the European biome to see them.

It's also worth noting that "many" mods, according to the developer, will not work with 1.1.0 and now need to be updated by their author.

"We have worked hard to cause as few conflicts as possible with popular mods, yet this is a substantial update and with the code and functionality changes some issues have been impossible to avoid," Finnish game developer Colossal Order said in a post on publisher Paradox's forum (patch notes are there, too).

"Going forward we aim to find a solution where we can work with our core modders pre-launch to give them ample time to adjust their creations before the public have access."

Elsewhere, there are three new starter maps as well as loads of smaller cosmetic additions and bug fixes.

Paradox said minor DLC updates for Cities: Skylines will be uncommon. "The majority of content updates will be significant upgrades and additions.

"Going forward, we will focus on giving away the main features for free and improving the modding tools, while also selling major expansions around new mechanics. But we will also continue to offer free content such as new buildings and road types."

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