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Championship Manager 2010

Pre-season build-up.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With just days remaining before the big Premier League kick off, I've been given the opportunity to test the latest pre-release code of Championship Manager 2010 (formerly known as Championship Manager 2009). It's been almost two years since this traditionally annual series' last appearance - the hit and miss Championship Manager 2008 - but in a daring attempt to close the gap on Sports Interactive's all-dominant Football Manager franchise, developer Beautiful Game Studios has spent the last 20-odd months revamping CM with a number of high profile additions and innovations.

It's instantly clear that every facet of the game has been refined. CM10 exudes a newfound slickness from every menu screen, whether it's the gently animated backgrounds and cycling Sky Sports-style information boxes or the impressive new 3D match engine - which is displaying enough potential to suggest it could even give the animated offerings of Football Manager 2009 a run for their money. But more on that later.

As has become traditional for management games, you're first tasked with selecting a league (from 32 countries) and/or nation to manage. With your allegiances set you're whisked off to begin your managerial career. The first thing that strikes you is the sheer amount of work and innovation that's been put into revamping this once great series. Within a few hours, you realise that CM10 could be the first major step towards a return to the glory days. In an attempt to innovate rather than imitate, Beautiful Game Studios has taken the bold and welcome decision to introduce some genuinely fresh ideas into the series' tried and tested mix. For the most part, they're shaping up rather nicely.

The new match engine is a world away from the bowling pin footballers of CM08.

Take real-time training, for example. At first glance you may shrug with disinterest, but on closer inspection it becomes clear that the ability to head to the training pitch and actually watch your players in action can be invaluable when it comes to squeezing every last ounce of potential out of your squad. What's more, you can set-up practice matches and tinker with tactics without the threat of failure hanging over you. Unlike friendlies, these semi-competitive kickabouts have only minimal impact on your players' stamina levels.

CM10's new set piece creator is showing even more promise. It allows you to fashion fiendish dead-ball routines using a simple process. You start off by setting the starting positions of your players on a top down tactical pitch layout. Next, you create a series of stages (player movements, dead ball delivery etc.) before heading pitch-side to see if your masterplan actually works. If you're not happy you can tweak to your heart's content or make your players practice the move over and over till their toes bleed. As I found out on a number of occasions, there are few more satisfying moments than seeing your custom-made set piece come to fruition in that vital league or cup game.

Art imitating life in CM10’s new media system?

Another new feature is CM10's scouting system. Again, it's clear that Beautiful Game Studios has sat down and really thought about a new way of dealing with this often overlooked feature. Rather than simply presenting you with an overwhelming and comprehensive list of every player on the planet and their stats, CM10 tasks you with doing some of the work yourself. With the exception of detailed stats for the players in your league, the database for every other player in the game must first be scouted before their true stats can be accurately gauged. The more times you scout a player, the more precisely his stats will be represented. This throws up some interesting conundrums. Do you make an offer for that Brazilian starlet whose stats range between 65 – 95? Or do you scout him first to see how good he really is, but risk losing him to another club that takes a punt?