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CD Projekt warns players away from Cyberpunk beta email phishing scam

"It's not from us".

CD Projekt Red has moved to warn fans that a recent round of emails claiming to offer sign-ups for beta access to the developer's highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 are a scam.

Although, as CD Projekt recently reiterated, no Cyberpunk 2077 beta is planned, scammers have been piggybacking onto game's popularity in a bid to tease sensitive information from unsuspecting punters for quite some time now, as this year-old Reddit thread illustrates.

Still, it seems a sufficient number of new phishing instances have been reported of late to warrant CD Projekt making an official statement on the matter.

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"If you recently received an email claiming to be granting you beta access to Cyberpunk 2077, it's not from us," the developer wrote on Twitter, confirming that a new batch of phishing emails have been doing the rounds in recent weeks. "When we contact you via email," it noted, "it'll always come from @ cdprojektred com address".

"Same goes for content creators," CD Projekt continued, "We always reach out directly from @ cdprojektred com domain. If you are being contacted by a third party claiming to be working with us (an ad agency for example), you can assume it's not genuine."

Essentially, then, as impatient as we might all be to sprinkle ourselves in augmented genitals and set off in search of adventure across Night City, the usual rules of savvy internet usage apply. And after all, there's only 112 days left until Cyberpunk 2077 finally makes its 19th November debut on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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