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Capcom reduces Devil May Cry sales target by 800k

Ships one million copies to shops.

Capcom has reduced its sales target for Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot.

It had hoped to ship two million copies of the action game by the end of its financial year. It now expects to ship 1.2 million copies - 800,000 short of the initial target.

As of January 2013, one million copies had been shipped.

While sales of the PC version of the game are not included in Capcom's figures, they are further bad news for the game, which, despite hitting top spot in the UK chart at launch, has failed to match the performance of previous titles in the series.

In the UK launch week sales for DmC were just a third of the amount that previous entry Devil May Cry 4 sold during its launch week in 2008 - despite DmC having an extra three days on sale.

It was a similar story in Japan, where DmC sold less than half of what DMC4 did in launch week. In Japan Ninja Theory's DmC shifted 110,429 copies on PS3, while its 360 version didn't even crack the top 20, so it must have sold less than Pokemon Black & White 2's 5,724. Comparatively, DMC4 sold 205,390 on PS3 and 40,023 on Xbox 360 in its debut week for a grand total of 245,513.

What DmC's sales mean for the future of the series remains to be seen.

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