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Capcom "re-evaluating" on-disc DLC policy

Confirms Dragon's Dogma has on-disc DLC.

Capcom is "re-evaluating" its on-disc DLC policy.

The Japanese company has been criticised by gamers for including DLC on-disc rather than have players download it post-launch, with Street Fighter x Tekken the focus of many complaints.

But it seems Capcom has decided to change its ways.

"We would like to assure you that we have been listening to your comments and as such have begun the process of re-evaluating how such additional game content is delivered in the future," Capcom US boss Christian Svensson wrote on Capcom Unity.

"As this process has only just commenced in the past month or so, there will be some titles, where development began some time ago and that are scheduled for release in the coming months, for which we are unable to make changes to the way some of their post release content is delivered."

One of those titles, Svensson said, is Dragon's Dogma, due out next week. In a statement that will be seen as pre-empting player complaints, he confirmed that some, but not all, DLC is included on-disc.

"The decision to include some additional (but not all planned additional) game content for the game on disc was made at the beginning of the game's development cycle as at the time this was determined to be the most efficient way of ensuring certain content was made available," he said.

"Owners of Dragon's Dogma will be able to further their gameplay experience with the release of additional quests, weapons and other items in the months following the game going on sale."

Svensson pointed out that Dragon's Dogma's main quest offers 30 to 40 hours of gameplay, but with side quests, that number rises to around 100 hours.

"Just wanted people to know in advance the whys, wherefores and where we're going in the future. You are being heard. Thanks."

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