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Borderlands 3 is suffering from a raft of technical issues at launch

And players are turning to the Borderlands 2 Steam page for help.

Borderlands 3 came out this week, and players are reporting a raft of technical issues with the game.

On console, Gearbox's looter shooter suffers from framerate problems. Specifically, players are reporting a stutter in the PlayStation 4 Pro's performance mode, which is supposed to give you a 60fps experience. But this stutter appears widespread across platforms and modes.

There's a lot of lag, too, particularly when playing split-screen couch co-op and one player goes into their ECHOdevice during heavy combat.

Our Lottie Lynn, who's playing on PlayStation 4, encountered a strange glitch where one menu screen displayed placeholder text that seemed to refresh itself.

On PC, players are encountering fps issues, too, with stuttering a common complaint. In a tweet, Gearbox said it was aware and looking into it.

In light of Borderlands 3 PC launching as a timed exclusive on the Epic Games store, which does not have a forum, players are turning to other places to ask for help - and troll.

The Borderlands 2 Steam forum is currently packed with Borderlands 3-related threads.

Gearbox's own forum has a section for Borderlands 3, which is packed with troubleshooting threads started by players asking for help. But it's the Borderlands 2 Steam page where most discussion is being had - and not all of it is helpful or wanted, it seems.

It's no surprise, of course, to see players of an Epic Games store timed exclusive flock to the Steam page of its predecessor to ask for help and indeed troll others. This has happened before with previous Epic Games store exclusives and will no doubt happen again. But given Borderlands 3's rocky launch, the issue is exacerbated - and given Steam's enormous online footprint, those who use Google to troubleshoot Borderlands 3 problems will likely be sent Steam's way.

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Amid the troubleshooting threads from Borderlands 3 players are threads started by Borderlands 2 players complaining about the sudden influx of Borderlands 3-related threads. One user called for a Borderlands 3 Steam subforum "so the pooor [sic] ppl who can't be bothered to use the Gearbox forum can rant and gloat and support each other in there without totally outspamming on-topic BL2 content".

Gearbox will no doubt be working on a number of updates and patches aimed at sorting these launch issues out. Until they're released, Steam may - or may not - help.

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