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Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC live stream

Watch us play through the new maps from 3pm UK time onwards.

So it begins. We've had Nuketown Zombies already, of course, but today marks the release (on Xbox Live, at least) of the first of four proper downloadable map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Called Revolution, it consists of four new multiplayer arenas, a Zombies co-op map called Die Rise, and the new Turned mode, where you play as zombies trying to gobble up humans. Amazing scenes.

We'll have a full review very soon, but in the meantime our YouTube man Ian Higton is jumping online from 3pm UK time today to try it out and you can join him live using the embed below or heading over to our YouTube channel. Ian's going to try a bit of everything, I think, but if you want to see anything specific then just let him know in the YouTube chat window.

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We'll be doing lots more live streams throughout 2013, so subscribe to the Eurogamer YouTube channel if you want to keep up with those.

Die Rise! Just got it.

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