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BioShock Infinite: Industrial Revolution game exclusive for pre-order customers

Puzzle tie-in unlocks BioShock Infinite in-game content.

PC puzzle tie-in BioShock Infinite: Industrial Revolution will be available exclusively to BioShock Infinite pre-order customers, developer Irrational Games has announced.

Player progress through Industrial Revolution will then unlock in-game content within BioShock Infinite.

Industrial Revolution is available to play now at, although you'll need a code to access it.

The Flash-style puzzles allow you to support a faction from Infinite's two warring sides - the nationalist Founders and the anarchist Vox Populi group. Like the main game, decisions you make are permanent, although levels can be replayed for fun.

Developed by indie outfit Lazy 8 Studios, Industrial Revolution's puzzles appear a good fit for Infinite's steampunk world. Players will later be sent a special code to upload unlocked content to the main game.

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