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BioShock Infinite gameplay trailer teases Elizabeth's role

UPDATE: The game has gone gold.

Update: BioShock Infinite has gone gold, Irrational Games has announced, so it's definitely making its 26th March release date.

"The total cost of the game was five years, 941 billion Klingon darseks (plus tip), 47 camels, a cranberry flan, and the blood, sweat, and tears of the Irrational Team," said creative lead Ken Levine on the company blog.

Original story: BioShock Infinite publisher 2K Games has released another slice of gameplay footage, this time focusing on sidekick Elizabeth.

The trailer, named "Lamb of Columbia", shows glimpses of Elizabeth in action and a quick look at Columbia's mysterious founder, the fabulously-bearded Comstock.

"The girl is the flame that will ignite the world," a character says, presumably of Liz.

The trailer opens with the line: "The seed of the prophet shall sit the throne, and drown in flame the mountains of man."

Comstock has been previously referred to as Columbia's "prophet", and later is heard to suggest player character Booker de Witt has "come to lead my lamb astray". All of which seems to imply Elizabeth is Comstock's daughter.

The trailer ends with an intriguing shot of Elizabeth standing in front of a stormy rural setting (outside of Columbia?) as a tornado rushes through a cornfield behind her.

BioShock Infinite is finally due for release next month, after four long years of development.

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