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BioShock 2 set seven years later?

Teaser site: Big Daddy kidnaps kid.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A new teaser site for BioShock 2 hints that the game is set seven years after the events of the original and involves a Big Daddy snatching girls from coastal towns.

The site, There's Something in the Sea, features a tattered world map with an "Aloha" X marked on Ireland, and three scraps of paper associated with the location - Liscannor, Co. Clare.

First there's a photograph of the Big Daddy doll that the girl in the original teaser trailer was holding.

Then there's a newspaper clipping, "Local Girl Vanishes In Mysterious Attack", talking about the kidnapping of a seven-year-old girl, who was snatched from her bedroom by an unknown attacker who moved at "incredible speed", apparently unburdened by the weight of the helpless child.

"Due to the moonless night, [the girl's father] was unable to offer a description of the assailant," the report says. "He notes that the attacker was thin, above average height and wore some kind of 'red light'." Possibly a miner's helmet, it adds.

Finally, there's also a page torn off of a notepad with some scribbled notes from the person who found the Big Daddy doll, which points out that it resembles Clune's description of the attacker.

Most tellingly of all, the newspaper clipping is dated 20th February, 1967. The original BioShock was known to take place in 1960.

What can it all mean?

BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams is due out for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 later this year.

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