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Bethesda shows another brief tease of Starfield

"That's cryptic..."

Starfield, Bethesda's big upcoming foray into sci-fi for PC and Xbox Series X/S, has been shown off again in a fresh video.

Today's seven-minute mini-documentary is full of teases for Starfield's world. There are a few glimpses of alien planets, ships and robots - as well as a lot of Todd Howard talking.

This is the first episode in a series of "Into the Starfield" videos, where Bethesda staff talk through the making of the upcoming game and the creation of the world in which it is set.

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"You always have that 'step out' moment into the world," Howard said, reflecting on Bethesda games of old. "[Now,] technology's changed, we've all changed, so our expectations when loading up a game - like, 'okay, we're going to step out into this moment'... Us being able to do that and have it feel new every generation, every game, is something that's really special about what we do.

"I like to say Starfield has two 'step out' moments," Howard added. "That's cryptic."

Most importantly, one piece of concept art suggests you'll be able to have a pet cat.

Starfield is set to launch on 11th November 2022.

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