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Astounding modded Fallout 3 screenshots look shockingly ahead of the curve

Where's David Attenborough when you need him?

Flickr user/master videogame photographer Anthemios aka Trillville has done to Fallout 3 what the BBC did to planet earth with an astonishing collection of modded Fallout 3 "photographs."

How were these achieved? Anthemios goes into detail on the ENBdev forums. It gets pretty technical, but involves downloading the .116 FNV Beta first.

Anthemios offers more detail in the comments section of this shot where he outlines what mods he used.

One of his tricks involves altering the lighting by finding spots with plenty of grass. "The trick is making sure grass is everywhere and enabling point lighting for it in the .ini, that way you can sort of create the illusion of shadow play on the ground. I have AO enabled through NVIDIA drivers."

While Anthemios has tons of mesmerising pictures on his Flickr, here are some of his personal faves he chose to share with Eurogamer.

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