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CM4 demo out this week

On the front of ChampMan mag issue two

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sports Interactive is keen to remind you that the second edition of the official Championship Manager Magazine is due out this Friday, February 28th and will be the only place to get hold of the first half-season playable demo of CM4. They won't even let us pesky journos have it, forcing us to wait just as long as you.

The mag, which is the product of a complex arrangement with Future Publishing, SI and Eidos, will retail for £5.49, and apart from the playable demo, it also includes more inside stories from Sports Interactive - news, interviews and features that "will appeal to both football fans and computer games".

In addition to CM strategy and players' feats, the mag will also take an exclusive look at SI's Eastside Hockey Manager: Franchise Edition, which reports suggest is shaping up to do to hockey what CM did for football.

P.S. SI also confirms for our minority Mac based audience that the CD shipping with the magazine is a dual format CD also containing a Mac format demo.

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