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Sony's take on 'Munch'

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Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Whilst Microsoft is rapidly replacing its imaginative Xbox adverts with actual game footage, Sony is continuing its irreverent and mildly insane series of Third Place adverts with a take on popular French icons such as Mr. Mange Tout, whose plane and car eating abilities were famously catalogued in a series of made-for-school French magazines. Which, to clear things up, I was subjected to during my brief spell at an 'institute' for several gruelling hours a week before I used my finely honed Street Fighter skills to decapitate and generally mangle the teaching staff… Back to reality though, and we have this rather bizarre new advert, which, as you may have guessed, consists of a portly fella (who closely resembles EasyJet owner Stelios Haji-Ioannou if you ask me) working his way through several PlayStation 2 peripherals before getting stuck into the main course: an actual console, complete with leads and everything. Although it is just regurgitating a pretty old concept, it is nonetheless fairly amusing and if you would like to see the advert for yourselves, Sony has erected a shrine to the advert at, where you can choose between low and high bandwidth downloads. Bon appétit.

Now, I want clean plates...

Source - (with thanks to our anonymous tipster)

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