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Operation Flashpoint gets an interim upgrade

"I'm going to take his face .. off"

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Codemasters have announced that an "interim upgrade" for their best-selling Cold War combat sim Operation Flashpoint is now available to download from the publisher's official website. Not to be confused with the first free "Content Upgrade Pack", which is due soon and will add new weapons and missions to the game, this patch concentrates on tweaks and tucks rather than new content.

The biggest addition is the ability to change your character's face for both single and multi-player action. All you need to do is use the supplied template to create a custom texture file called face.jpg and save it to your user folder, and you can strike terror into your opponents' hearts with your own face, or someone else's for that matter. Other welcome changes include improvements to aircraft handling, one of our biggest niggles with the game, and more accurate shadows for your weapons. For more information and a (very long) list of download mirrors for the patch, head over to the official website.

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