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Pentium 4 2GHz overclocking drama

Those kerrrrrrazy Japs throw a 1.7GHz P4 engineering sample into overdrive

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Okay, so generally speaking, we don't draw attention to the myriad of obscure Far Eastern overclocking links we discover on our trawls around the web. Take for example - a page that distributes the venerable WCPUID program, a page basically rife with stuff like this, and this. That said, when it comes to barriers, the biggest at the moment is 2GHz, and now that someone has broken it with an engineering sample of the P4 1.7GHz, we feel it our duty as hardware nuts to let you know! The person in question published this page just recently, which includes (independantly verified) WCPUID images that clearly show the Pentium 4 1.7GHz reaching not just 2.0GHz, but ultimately 2.3GHz! We'd congratulate the chap if we could decipher his name in Internet Explorer, but suffice to say, it's an achievement and a half. Check out the rest of his page for even more daring exploits into super-cooling and the like. We fancy this is the sort of bloke who uses Nitrogen in his air conditioner. Amongst his other feats (on the Records page) are a PIII-1GHz running at 1.6GHz and more. Check it out, but take a seat first!

Source - JC's PC News

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