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Virgin announce Hidden PS2 agenda

Their PS2-only action adventure title should be with us later this year

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Image credit: Eurogamer

"Hidden Invasion", announced yesterday, is to be an action adventure title, produced exclusively for the PlayStation 2 by Conspiracy/Toka. This is the first we've heard of it, and apparently won't be the last, as the people at Virgin are keeping schtum about the game's background and characters. From what we've learnt though, the player will be placed in control of a Special Forces leader sent out to investigate a "sinister threat", and the game will take on a survival/horror guise. It isn't called "Hidden Invasion" for nothing either. It's interesting to see a third party "PS2-only" title, when most developers are busy announcing multi-platform franchises and series updates. Perhaps the move is an indication of the industry's acceptance of the PlayStation 2 as a PC-equivalent in terms of technology and scope for development. The feature list looks just as packed as anything we've seen on the PC lately, with fully three dimensional graphics, a cinematic storyline divided into several chapters and a huge array of effect-heavy weapons for the main protagonists. Even motion-capturing has been brought into play, presumably for our as-yet unnamed hero. With details so thin on the ground we're usually sceptical about a game's worth, but "Hidden Invasion" has interested us enough to retain a bit of its mystique. Expect to hear more about it as we approach its third quarter release date.

Source - press release

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