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Interplay taps into the Matrix

Possible multi-million dollar licensing deal

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Reports have emerged that American publisher Interplay has signed a licensing deal with Warner Brothers to make games based on the sci-fi blockbuster "The Matrix". Details are scant at this early stage, but the deal could be worth anything up to $10m. According to a story in Variety, "although the license was not finalized until this week, Interplay president Brian Fargo told a group of executives as far back as November that Interplay had won the license for The Matrix".

In fact, rumours have been flying around the net for the last year that Interplay would pick up the Matrix license and that Shiny (responsible for "MDK" and "Sacrifice") would be put in charge of developing at least one game based on the license. Variety report that "it's expected that the first videogame will be a third-person 3-D action/adventure game for the PlayStation 2 that will tie in to the plots of the Matrix sequels, the first of which is slated for theatrical release next year". Whether there is any truth in this remains to be seen, as Interplay are keeping schtum and neither they or Warner Brothers have made any official announcement yet.

Update - Interplay have finally confirmed the deal and Shiny's involvement in the games with an official press release. This will see the companies "develop interactive entertainment projects, encompassing current and future interactive gaming platforms, based on upcoming sequels to Warner Bros. Pictures blockbuster film The Matrix". That's all they're saying at the moment, but no doubt more details will emerge over the coming months as those Matrix sequels get ever closer...

Source - Variety (thanks Starfire)

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