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Brits invade America

NetGames UK to launch pay-to-play service .. in America

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Self-proclaimed "first Gaming Internet Service Provider" NetGames UK, based in exotic Bournemouth, has announced that it will be rolling out a pay-per-play gaming service within the next eight weeks. This new system won't be available in the UK though, it is being set up on the other side of the pond. Details are thin on the ground at this stage, but the company will be opening a new office in Washington DC and recruiting 25 staff to "manage and develop the on-line gaming community" for their new American service.

"There is no comparable service to NGUK in the North American market, and with the gamers being more receptive to pay-per-play we feel our business model will be an resounding success", Managing Director Andy Jones declared, apparently blissfully unaware of the existence of Most of the other comparable services in North America went bust or got bought out, and we'll have to wait and see whether the ambitious young British company can succeed where the likes of MPlayer, Dwango and failed over the years...

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