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Happy New Year!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With our illustrious editor Gestalt currently making the gruelling trip to Liverpool to rave it up in fine style at the Cream New Year's Bash (he's a big Fat Boy Slim fan you know), it leaves it to me, the only one left in EuroGamer HQ to wish you and all our readers a very Happy New Year. Please don't let technicalities like the next millenium not actually starting until 2001 prevent you from enjoying whatever you are doing tonight- whether its taking part in a WAN Party or dancing the night away like John.

While I'm frantically backing up files, installing Norton Anti-Virus software, loading my rifle and peddling our bicycle-based electricity generator, I'd like to thank you for your kind patronage to our site this year. Hold on to your hats- here comes the Will-excuse me, Year 2K!

All the best for 2000.... and beyond, The Eurogamer Staff.

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