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APB Reloaded has 3m registered users

Rebooted MMO off to a good start.

APB Reloaded has seen an impressive three million people register to play a week after launching on Steam.

The free-to-play MMO is a rebooted and rebuilt version of failed Realtime Worlds effort APB. GamersFirst, with the help of some of those who worked on APB at the now closed Scottish studio, implemented a free-to-play business model and tinkered with the gameplay.

Rahul Sandil, SVP of marketing and business development for GamersFirst, said: "We recognised the potential for APB Reloaded to be a true breakout hit in the free-to-play category all through beta testing.

"We quickly amassed a vocal, dedicated community, and they've been instrumental in growing the game and helping better the experience. We also attracted a partner in [a]list games, a digital game market maker who launched a worldwide campaign to raise the game's visibility and help it appeal to a broader audience.

"Ultimately, players who discover a new free game decide if there's enough value and quality to keep playing, and APB Reloaded's trajectory tells us a growing number are being blown away by what they're getting."

Meanwhile, APB Reloaded has launched the first DLC, called the Fight Club. It adds short-form battles that emphasise player communication and small unit tactics in a mid-city construction site and a secure shipping yard.

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