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Angry Birds Trilogy will be getting DLC

Because $40 wasn't expensive enough.

We knew Angry Birds Trilogy would be a retail release with a steep price tag of $40 on Xbox 360 and PS3 and $30 on 3DS, but now Activision has revealed it plans to add DLC as well.

According to a report on Kotaku, Activision said it has two DLC packs planned, though their content hasn't yet been revealed.

To put this in perspective, each Angry Birds title is $1 on iOS. Purchasing all three games and their DLC in their HD iPad form comes to $10.

So what does this quadruple price point get you?

Well first off the games will be digitally-remastered with 1080p graphics and artwork, new animated cinematics, surround sound, Move/Kinect support, 3D support, achievements, and plenty of unlockables like concept art.

It will also include 19 new levels, in case the 700 plus that came with the original games weren't enough. However, it won't include the updates to the original games that boosted the level count to 855, nor does it include Angry Birds Space.

This begs the question, does anyone actually plan to pick this up?

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