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A live-action Zelda series is in development for Netflix - report

UPDATE: Iwata pours cold water over rumour.

UPDATE 23/03/2015 5.47pm: Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has cast doubt on the Wall Street Journal report about a live-action Zelda series coming to Netflix.

Speaking to Time Magazine, Iwata said, “As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films, but I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information."

ORIGINAL STORY 07/02/2015 2.20am: Nintendo is reportedly working with Netflix on a live-action TV series based on The Legend of Zelda.

This is the least ridiculous Link cosplay I could find and it still looks silly.

The potential show was reported by the Wall Street Journal, though its source was "a person familiar with the matter," so let's take it with a grain of salt for now.

"Netflix is describing it as 'Game of Thrones' for a family audience," the Wall Street Journal reported in what is probably the most unintentionally hilarious description of a show ever.

Apparently the show is still in need of a writer and is in its embryonic phase, so it's entirely possible Nintendo or Netflix will kill the show before it airs.

We've requested comment from Nintendo on this, but seeing as how both it and Netflix declined to respond to the Wall Street Journal, we're not exactly holding our breath.

Would you like to see a live-acton The Legend of Zelda series? If so, who would play Link? Louis C.K. as Ganon, anyone?

How could a Zelda live-action series possibly be better than this Japanese commercial for A Link to the Past?Watch on YouTube

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