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Zone of the Enders HD out in the autumn

For PS3, 360. No word on Vita version.

Zone of the Enders HD launches in the autumn on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Konami has announced.

No mention was made of the PS Vita version, which Japanese game developer legend Hideo Kojima announced in September last year.

The compilation includes Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, both developed by Kojima Productions for the PlayStation 2. The games have been re-mastered with HD visuals for this latest release.

"We are looking forward to bringing the legendary Zone of the Enders series to old and new fans in a high definition form," said Konami general manager Martin Schneider.

"We are excited to offer these games on new platforms which will allow gamers to experience the drama and action of the Zone of the Enders like they have never seen it before."

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