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Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner remaster headed to PS4

And PlayStation VR.

PlayStation 2 classic Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner is getting a PS4 re-release, Sony has just announced.

Footage of the new version was shown during PlayStation's Tokyo Games Show 2017 press conference, which Eurogamer attended.

This new version will be title Anubis: Zone of the Enders - Mars, include improved graphics and PlayStation VR support.

4K resolution, new textures and improved sound were also touted. Here's a trailer:

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Zone of the Enders is a hack-and-slash and shooter series with a dedicated cult fanbase. It was created by Metal Gear Solid's Hideo Kojima back in his days at Konami - although it never achieved the worldwide fame of MGS.

Two main games were released in the series, alongside a spin-off for Game Boy Advance. Plans for a third major ZOE game were cancelled after the HD re-release of ZOE 1 and 2 did not attract enough sales.

With Kojima no longer working with Konami, it remains to be seen where the series' future may now lie.

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