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World War Z performing "way above expectations" on PC "thanks to support from the Epic Games Store"

75% of sales were outside of the U.S.

World War Z developer Saber Interactive has suggested that its "way above expectations" sales on PC is down to its exclusivity agreement with Epic Games Store.

In a press release celebrating the zombie game hitting 1 million sales across PC and consoles in just a week, Saber Interactive CEO Matthew Karch said the team was '"thrilled" and thanked Epic for "the support [it has] received".

"Saber is extremely thrilled by the performance of the game on all platforms. On the PC specifically, we are performing way above expectations thanks to the support we have received from the Epic Games Store," Kerch said by way of a press release. "Moving forward, we'll continue to work on growing the game and its community with new improvements, stability updates and bonus gameplay content, beginning very soon with a special new mission for the Tokyo episode."

Karch didn't expand on what that support from EGS entailed but talking to VentureBeat (thanks, PCGN), he did confirm the game had performed particularly well outside of the U.S., which accounted for just 25 per cent of its one million sales.

"Overall the U.S. and EU have been equally strong in sales," Kerch said. "We have had 70,000 people playing at once across all platforms, with very similar distribution among PC (Epic Games Store), PS4 and Xbox. What surprises us is the fact that sales outside of the U.S. on the Epic Store have been so strong, with the U.S. being only one-quarter of sales."

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney recently said Epic would stop signing new exclusives if Steam "committed to a permanent 88 per cent revenue share for all developers and publishers without major strings attached" and if it did, Sweeney says Epic would even consider putting its own games on the Steam store.

"Such a move would be a glorious moment in the history of PC gaming, and would have a sweeping impact on other platforms for generations to come," Sweeney enthused on Twitter.

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