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Why Battlefield 1 fans are in a flap about a pigeon mode

Here's a sneak beak.

Some Battlefield 1 fans think there will be a pigeon mode in DICE's World War 1 shooter.

Let's be clear: there has been no official confirmation of a pigeon mode as yet. If there is one, DICE is keeping it firmly under flaps.

But take a look for a moment at the below video, originally published back in March. Specifically at the 1:50 minute mark, where... a Battlefield 1 pigeon mode is mentioned.

The video's creator, AlmightyDaq, uses the video to divulge detailed Battlefield 1 information weeks before the game's official announcement.

Included in the video are the game's final name (well, either Battlefield 1 or Battlefield 1918, apparently), its World War 1 setting, details about its classes and early descriptions of its multiplayer maps.

Watch on YouTube

Fast forward to this week, and the huge leak of Battlefield 1 information obtained by datamining the game's closed alpha build.

AlmightyDaq's March video accurately describes maps - Chateau, Scar, Desert - named in the game's files and many of the class details.

The only major thing which the March video discusses which has yet to be revealed is the pigeon mode.

AlmightyDaq describes it thus:

"It's similar to capture the flag. The pigeon functions as a flag in a way, which must be held for a certain amount of time before it flies away to your base camp carrying a message. It sounds pretty ridiculous, but take my word for it. Or don't, and wait until the game has been announced."

There's no way of knowing if the game mode is still present in the final Battlefield 1, although the list of leaked modes includes one mystery inclusion titled Possession which some are pointing to as the pigeon-holding contest.

Pigeons were, of course, used in World War 1 as a vital method of communication. The birds carried messages between camps, and have been celebrated as saving many lives. One bird, Cher Ami, received the Croix de Guerre Medal for his services during the battle of Verdun, and is now stuffed and on display at the Smithsonian.

We've reached out to EA for comment.

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