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Watch Yooka-Laylee Toybox demo's hidden ending

It's a secret to everybody.

Kickstarter backers for Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor Yooka-Laylee now have access to its Toybox demo, which has a nifty tip should you solve all its secrets.

Our Aoife Wilson managed to to do just that and detailed her discoveries in the spoiler-filled video below:

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Should you collect all 100 quills and activate a few hidden switches you can find a few "behind the scenes" nods from the developer. One room contains some sweet particle effects, which a robot NPC boasts about. This gives us a teaser at some of the shiny paraphernalia that will dazzle us upon Yooka-Laylee's full release early next year.

But that's not all! Another hidden robot will reveal the following tip: "When real-world game releases, look to a pirate ship for a surprise... Ground smash lone rock under a nearby tree to reveal the way. Remember this to find the surprise!"

What could it be?

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