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Watch: We made a hoorntooth pie from Final Fantasy 15

Eat Summon-teen

Final Fantasy 15 is crammed with beautifully rendered foodstuffs, from hearty bean soups and croque madames to simpler fare like cup noodles and flame grilled toast.

Spurred on by my (mis)adventures in the kitchen with the hagfish dumplings recipe from Dishonored 2, I decided to tackle the delicious sounding horntooth meat pie from Final Fantasy 15. I'm pleased to say it went fairly well, leaky pastry aside. You can see the video for yourself below and, if you fancy giving the pie a go for yourself, you can find the recipe under that. Enjoy!

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Horntooth meat pie recipe

For the pastry:

250g strong plain flour

250g unsalted butter

150ml (ish) cold water

Pinch of sea salt

For the filling:

1 onion

4 cloves of garlic

2 beef stock cubes

250ml beer (ale is best)

100ml boiled water

400g diced beef

3 rashers smoky bacon (or about 100g of liver - I couldn't find any)

2 tsp smoked paprika

1 tbsp plain flour

1 tin butter beans, drained and rinsed


Finely dice the onion and garlic, then sweat with a dash of vegetable or olive oil in a casserole dish until translucent.

Add the beef and bacon, then cook over a medium flame until starting to brown.

Crumble in the beef stock cubes and add the paprika, stirring and continuing to cook for another minute.

Add 1tbsp of plain flour and stir in, making sure the beef is well coated.

Glug the beer in slowly, followed by the boiled water.

Add the butter beans and simmer over a low flame until the liquid has reduced down to a thick gravy.

While that's simmering, make the pastry. Here's the method I used.

Once your pastry is ready, roll it out into a big sheet and divide into four.

Place pie filling on the bottom half of each square, then fold the top over and pinch the edges shut to form pies.

Bake in a hot oven for 20-30 minutes (my oven is awful so I have no idea what temperature I had it at, sorry) until the pastry is flaky and browned on top.

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