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Watch us play Octodad from 5pm GMT


It's been a slow start, but 2014's finally stepping up its pace with the first big release of the year. It's stepping somewhat clumsily, though, and making all sorts of messy noise in the process. Yes, Octodad's finally here! If you're not fully up to speed, you can have a read of Chris's preview from last year's EGX. If you're not up to speed and also pressed for time I can sum it up for you: it's a QWOP 'em-up in which you play an octopus trying desperately to fit in to everyday human life.

Intrigued? You can have a look at it in action when Ian takes to Twitch for our livestream from 5pm GMT today, where he'll be playing through about an hour of the game. Oh, and we'll have a review for you at 8am tomorrow morning, too.

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