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Watch: The video team's favourite games of 2015

No prizes for guessing Ian's.

The nice thing about running the Eurogamer YouTube channel is that we can get away with doing game of the year a little differently. Eschewing the voting process whereby one game is selected (and thereby ensuring we don't end up murdering one another), each member of the video team has made a video about their personal game of 2015.

We'll kick things off with Chris Bratt who, true to form, selected a turn-based strategy game.

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Next, it probably won't surprise you that Ian named Fallout 4 his favourite from the past year, especially given he's been making a weekly show about this game since June. We promise to let him play something else in 2016.

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Aoife's up next with a look at the masochistic delights of From Software's Bloodborne. Make sure you watch this one, it's my favourite out of all four.

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Finally, here's yours truly with yet another gushing love letter to Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide. I say that, but it's mostly a rant about how rubbish I think elves are in pretty much every fantasy universe there is. Happy new year!

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