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Watch: Johnny plays Overwatch live

Moving the payload from 3pm

If you've been keeping an eye on our YouTube channel this year, you'll know we stream a different video game every Tuesday afternoon. Ian Higton - who notably doesn't enjoy playing Overwatch - ordinarily runs the show, streaming such things as Player Unknown's Battlegrounds or Friday the 13th. The only snag is that Ian's PC is currently broken, meaning there's absolutely nothing stopping me taking over and streaming two hours of Overwatch this afternoon. Sorry, Ian.

Join me from 3pm as I'll be putting my middling skills to use in an attempt to earn as many anniversary loot boxes as I can by 5pm. All you need do is click the video below.

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Delighted as I am to be playing Overwatch on the clock, frankly I'm a little surprised I'm playing it at all - ordinarily I would have burned out on a multiplayer game by now, but there's something about Overwatch that keeps me coming back for more. I'll convert Ian one of these days, I swear.

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