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Watch: 7 things we love about Overwatch's new hero

Doomlist, more like.

Doomfist has finally arrived in Overwatch after what felt like an interminable wait and, to be honest, he's not quite the hero I was expecting. He's a surprisingly mobile assault character who isn't voiced by Terry Crews and, at least thus far, I'm a big fan. He's a bit tricky to master, if you ask me, but all in all I think the Overwatch team has done a good job of making an interesting new hero.

To mark Doomfist's arrival on the Overwatch PTR, I knocked together a brief list of my favourite things about the punchy fellow.

Watch on YouTube

If you have any thoughts on Doomfist and how you see him impacting the metagame in Overwatch, the comments await you eagerly below.

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