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See Sonic Forces' side-scrolling sections in action

New Green Hill Zone footage reveals Classic Sonic gameplay.

Sonic Forces, the next big AAA console release from Sonic Team, was revealed last month as a Temple Run-esque 3D affair, with the camera positioned behind the blue hedgehog as he dashed through a gold ring-strewn obstacle course. But like Sonic Generations before it, it turns out that was only one component of this upcoming adventure.

As such, Sonic Forces contains both modern and classic variations of the blue hedgehog and now we see how the oldschool porcupine looks getting a workout in his old haunts, the Green Hill Zone.

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While the graphics are still technically 3D, the gameplay is pure 90s nostalgia. That said, it looks very slick and modern, which is sure to be divisive. If you want something even more aesthetically in-keeping with the original Sonic titles, there's Sonic Mania coming out this summer on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC. Our Martin Robinson has high hopes for that one.

What we don't know is how much of Sonic Forces will be a side-scroller versus a behind-the-shoulder 3D runner, but if it's anything like Sonic Generations, it's probably roughly half and half.

I suppose we'll find out when Sonic Forces launches this "holiday" on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.

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