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Vodafone typo messes up Vita WipEout top-up offer advertisement

Says top-up £15 for free WipEout. Should say top-up £5.

Vodafone has messed up its advertisement for Vita with a typo.

Eurogamer reader BBIAJ sent us the below image, taken from the February issue of Vodafone's in-store magazine In Your Hands. It is currently the only information Vodafone stores have on Vita.

It shows the eye-catching Vodafone Vita offer, which we reported on earlier this month, present and correct, except for one detail: it says you need to top up £15 to get a free copy of WipEout 2048 when you buy the Wi-Fi plus 3G version of Vita.

Vodafone's offer was announced thus: for £279 you receive a 3G Vodafone Vita and a free 4GB memory card, and if you top-up the 3G SIM with £5, Vodafone will throw-in a copy of WipEout 2048 for free.

On its own, Sony's 4GB memory card costs £17.99. WipEout 2048 is currently going for just under 30 quid.

Vodafone told Eurogamer the mention of £15 in the magazine is a sneaky typo, and the offer remains top-up £5.

In Your Hands is Vodafone's consumer magazine. It's published ten times per year and is distributed in Vodafone's stores throughout the UK.

While Vodafone is Sony's preferred provider of 3G connectivity for PlayStation Vita in the UK, 3G connectivity is not locked to Vodafone.

Vodafone is the only network that's been fully quality-assured by PlayStation, however.

The Vita 3G/WI-Fi model comes with a Vodafone SIM card so you can immediately use social gaming features when out and about. These include "near", an application that lets you discover other Vita users who are in your surrounding area and gift virtual items, such as costumes and treasures, to them at the locations they have visited.

3G also enables Party, a pre-installed app that enables communication features during online gaming or web browsing. You can update your gaming status via the Facebook, Twitter and FourSquare apps.

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